Cajita de ilusiones


Inner mirror

Inner mirror.

Look at you
what have you turn into?

I thought
you had dreams
but now it seems
you were lying all along.

What happened to you?
do you even know
where you belong?

Stop blameing me
and start to live
for life is
one long road.

Don't you cry
this is just the first act
as a matter of fact
night after night
you'll never stop the figth.

Stop running
the morning will come
with the brightest light.

And then you'll be able to see
how easy it is
to wake up and live.

tell me,
how do you get to this point?
where you confuse
darkness with light
wrong from right
do you even know what's real?

don't you know
that all that madness floating around your head
is the most
pure sign
of your coming of age
all of a sudden , everything comes to an end.

Is a crazy
when you realize
that years are shorter
and you are getting older
day after day
looking at the inner mirror
how do you not go insane?

3 Comentarios:

Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

titi? estas sonriendo??????? siemprte tu decides que colores usar, que ver, como vivir y de que aprender ....CREA TU CIELO....MAGO-SOL vuelve a comenzar y en medida que puedas alimentate con sonrisas y respiros...

7:18 p. m.  
Anonymous Anónimo dijo...

abu ese poema me hace llorar ... quiero salir de esta jaula pero me llevare hartos bucks

6:22 p. m.  
Blogger Faba dijo...

el mejor de todos... by far !!! jajaja

5:34 p. m.  

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